We had our first appointment with our OB/GYN this afternoon and it was filled with paperworks, pamphlets, questions, classes we need to take, more paperwork, more bloodwork, more tests...more everything! We went through a million questions, all the tests I need to get done and how to get over this cold!
Unfortunately, because Lola has diabetes...I have to take a glucose test.
They gave me this nasty looking drink to take before the test...I wonder how it taste??? I think I'm going to get it done tomorrow and just get it over with!
The best part of the appointment was when the nurse whipped out the doppler to see if we could hear Baby's heartbeat. It took awhile to find it but soon enough we heard the "Whoosh, Whoosh" sound! Actually, it sounded like an old duck to me trying to quack with a cough!
It was a big relief for the both of us...with me being sick and being at a new doctor's office! Our next appointment is next Wednesday and we get to see Baby!!! They're doing the first screening tests so hopefully all goes well!
I also wanted to say how AMAZING Neal has been! He is so on top of things and so interested in everything that is going on. Usually our appointments were at 7:30 in the morning but now they are all scheduled in the afternoons and today he was working in the LA office. By 1:15 he was at my office ready to pick me up! I am so happy and lucky to have such a supportive, active and loving hubby! He's on top of all my vitamins and medications, has taken most of the chores around the house, always ready to rub my achy head, back or feet and being an awesome bestfriend, hubby and Daddy to me and Socks! We love him more and more everyday!!!
Can you belive Baby is the size of a lime? Speaking of lime...a Margarita sounds SOOO good right now!
Baby's now the size of a lime!
Your fetus currently enjoys a 1:1 ratio between body and head, and has skin so transparent that blood vessels show right through it. But fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and hair follicles, tooth buds, and nail beds are forming -- setting up a significantly more attractive future.
Your fetus currently enjoys a 1:1 ratio between body and head, and has skin so transparent that blood vessels show right through it. But fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and hair follicles, tooth buds, and nail beds are forming -- setting up a significantly more attractive future.
(The Bump)
Your baby is about 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches long and weighs about a third of an ounce, the size of a peanut. This is a big week for your baby's growth—she'll double in height. At the end of the week, her head and body will be roughly equal in length. This week also starts an active phase for her - she can turn somersaults, roll over, flex her fingers, hiccup, and stretch. You won't be able to feel her movement for another month and a half. She's floating in lots of amniotic fluid. Her limbs are developing from webbed paddles into arms and legs that have well-defined fingers and toes. Fingernails, toenails, and hair follicles are also beginning to form. Your baby's testes or ovaries have developed, though the sex probably won't be visible on a sonogram for at least another month. Intestines have developed at the place where the umbilical cord meets your baby's body. The intestines are now able to make constricting movements, though there won't be anything to digest until later.
(Fit Pregnancy)