We started the weekend off by going to the filipino Tanza Town fiesta.
Here's Socks rockin' her filipina pride!
We sat near a tree and set up a camp with blankets and chairs to observe the sea of filipinos...
Neal is always amazed at how many filipinos can get together...The kids LOVED Socks! She had a blast playing with them (well some of them)
We then had Socks Puppysat while Neal and I went on a mini date. We had a delicious Cherry Lemonade as we walked around the mall and Neal took me Mother's Day shopping :)
We continued the filipino festivities by watching the Pacquiao fight at Lola's house. Unfortunately Lola wasn't there cause she was at the hospital for having trouble breathing and low-blood sugar.
But she's back at home now...hopefully she starts feeling better!
Socks also enjoyed the fight...she was actually watching and not afraid of everyone screaming around her.
Pacquiao won by a longshot! It was kind of a boring fight but fun to hang out with family and friends!
We slept over for the first time in the Cypress house...and boy did Socks get up early! She was so excited to play with Siopao!
We went for a Mother's Day lunch at Sam Woo...we waited for over an hour!
I also got my very first official Mother's Day card from my wonderful sissy!
And here's our family picture with Maggie being comedic...

We then headed over to Mission Viejo to have a Mother's Day Dinner. Socks and I actually knocked out...there are just days when I need to take a nap! It was wonderful cause we woke up to this wonderful dinner!
It was then followed by this amazing dessert! DELICIOUS!
Socks has learned how to jump up onto the dining chair and join us during the meals...Here she is imagining what this dessert would taste like!
She lays her head on the table like this and shows us her big puppy eyes...she's so cute we couldn't tell her to get off!
It was exactly 2 years ago when we picked up this little girl from the airport...
Picking her up from the airport (May 8, 2009)
She made us into a family and I can't believe it's been only 2 years with her...she has given us so much memories and love already that we can't wait to see what she has in store for us.
Grandma Emery had a surprise for us! She brought over this crystal bowl that has been in the family for over 100 years! It has been used to baptized multiple people in the family and she offered it to us for Savannah!
I love all the history behind it...and it's in amazing condition!
Here's a little bit of history on it. We know as far back as 1870...
Anna Nelson Fredrickson (1870)
- Grandma Emery's Grandma
Alice Fredrickson Sewnson (1896)
- Grandma Emery's Mom
Leon Swenson (1918)
- Grandma Emery's Brother
Kenneth Fredrickson (1918)
- Grandma Emery's Uncle
2 Polson Cousins
-Grandma Emery's Cousins
Emery Family Photo :)
Mother and Son love :)