
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy 1 Month Savannah!

We celebrated Savannah's 1 Month today!!!
Yummy Ice Cream Cake for the sweet little girl!



"Give me some!"

"It's mine!"

Dear Savannah,
Today, a month ago you made us a family...the time has flewn by and you have grown so much already!
Some milestones you have reached this month are:
  • You learned how to turn on your left side at 5 days old
  • You learned how to rotate in your crib at 6 days old
  • You gained your original birth weight plus more in less than 1 week
  • You love to smile while you try to go to sleep
  • You are very aware of your surroundings and love seeing people's faces
  • You can lift your head and turn it side to side
  • You grew out of Newborn Pampers and Newborn clothing at 3 weeks
  • You are very strong and holds strong grips onto people's fingers and kicks like crazy
  • You only get up once during the night
Daddy loves to play with you and go on walks with you around the house. His absolute favorite thing you do is when you sneeze and make an "AHHH" sound at the end. You love to be held by him during all your baths and you REALLY love to play tricks on him when he changes your diaper and you poop on the new diaper the second he secures the last button on your onesie.

Mommy has really gotten to know you in the last couple of weeks since Daddy has gone back to work. You have a love/hate relationship with breastfeeding but I think we finally figured it out. Mommy's favorite thing you do is when you smile while you try to fall matter how tired Mommy is at 3 in the crack that smile and Mommy's heart melts! You have also discovered your lungs and cry them out when you get really sleepy and Mommy figured out that you just want to be held really tight and close.

Socks is completely in love with you and has taken the Big Sister role seriously. She gets up with Mommy during the late night feedings and she loves to hang out by your feet. Once in awhile when Mommy and Daddy are taking care of you we find Socks curled up in your Boppy! Every time you make a peep or cry in your crib Socks is the first to check you out!

We can't believe how you change everyday and how fast you are growing. Everyone is trying to figure out who you look like...and I think Daddy is winning! We have enjoyed every minute of your first month with have given us hundreds of memories and have put a lot of smiles on people's faces. You are very loved by everyone around us and we cannot wait to make more memories with you!

We LOVE you so much already!

Mommy & Daddy


Christine said...

I loved watching her videos! It made her so "real" to me!!! Bailey was watching too, and perked up her ears when she heard her crying. :) I have to get her used to that sound. hehe. I'm sorry you keep getting those darn infections, but I'm glad you're taking some meds to make it better! I can't get over how big and beautiful my sweet Savannah is already! Tell Neal we said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Love you guys!

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