
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Happy 5 Months Savannah!!!!!

Tonight we celebrated Savannah's 5 months!

Before we even started the party...she dipped her fingers into the cake!

"Umm, Daddy I want to lick my fingers!"


"Wow, it looks so pretty!"

"happy 5 months to me!"

"Please don't clean my hands! I'm saving the cake for later!"

"What? I still can't have any???"
Dear Savannah,

Oh how much you have changed in just over a month! This past month is when we came to realize that you were no longer an 'infant' but now a baby!
This month:
  • You found your knees then hands and now you are completely obsessed with them!
  • You experienced sitting in your high chair and loved feeling 'grown up'
  • You had your first solids and completely in love with everything we have given you
  • You've had: Brown Rice, Peas, Sweet Potato, Zucchini, Bananas & Apples
  • You like to grunt yourself to sleep and loved slamming your legs in your crib while you were asleep
  • You rolled from tummy to back
  • You had your first Thanksgiving and experienced 4 family dinners!
  • You can hold your own bottle and even sometimes hold it with one're still working on how to finish off your can't quite angle it high enough yet!
  • You are so aware of your surroundings and "dive" like a penguin for objects around you
  • You can sit a few seconds without any assistance
  • You've met Santa twice and took photos with him!
  • You are starting to transfer objects from one hand to the other
  • You are starting to reach up when you want to be picked up
  • You sleep from 10 pm to 7 am
  • You love to randomly scream and shriek out of nowhere and will do it for a good 5 minutes
  • You really recongize Mommy and Daddy's voice...we even think you know your name now!
  • You love to go #2 in your carseat...we officially decided that it's no longer a coincidence but your choice of potty time! Daddy thinks you must think its the toilet!
You love to grab Daddy's face...when you're on his lap you like to turn and look up at him and touch his face...we think you like his fuzzy beard! You love it when Daddy comes home and you light up with glee when he walks through the door. You and Daddy have a love/hate relationship when it comes to eating solids. Sometimes you tolerate being fed by him but most of the times you both get frustrated! You absolutely love taking naps with him...especially when you are laying on his tummy. Daddy puts you to bed every night...usually you fall asleep in his arms but lately you've wanted to be alone and he ends up putting you in the crib and you put yourself to sleep.

Mommy had a bittersweet moment when she realized you were no longer and infant but now a baby. Everyday we still go on walks and you love seeing the outdoors. It's getting harder and harder to breastfeed that you are awake longer during the day and just wants to be active! Mommy has even had 5 clogged ducts alone this month! We have had a blast making solid food for you and you truly enjoy all your meals! Since its been cold...Mommy brings you into bed in the middle of night to snuggle (since your crib is right by the window) and I think its our favorite time. You love to turn on your side and put one hand on Mommy's face and we cuddle for warmth!

Socks is so in love with you...she wants to be wherever you are. Since you are able to sit up two love to have staring contests. She even lets you grab her ears and tail. When you're in your crib she's right under it, when you're on your jumper she's right beside you, when your being changed she watches from the bed and even when Mommy is pumping and you're playing in your play area she watches you from the couch. She even waits for you to burp, hoping you will spit up and it'll end up on the floor! Sometimes she sneaks in a used bib or sock under the won't be long til you two will be best friends playing!

People are still amazed by your curly hair and how you truly resemble a doll. Last month everyone said you look like your Daddy but now whoever is holding you is who you look like! You love it when people come up to you and say "Hi" flash them a huge smile and it makes their day!

In your 5th month you've hit so many milestones and you are growing more independent everyday. You are growing into your own little personality and interesting enough...we think you've got a comedic side as well! You are such a happy baby and only cry when you're hungry (and on the occassion out of boredom!) but you are loving life and we are loving every minute of it!
Mommy & Daddy


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