we went to the santa ana mall and got to park in a special spot! wish every place had this!
Savannah's first experience with shabu shabu
we also went to starbucks where we met a lady who was selling "Your Baby Can Read" DVDs from craigslist. Hope it works!
Savannah using the gym floor for the first time
Savannah intrigued by Dancing with the Stars...maybe she'll be a dancer one day :)
Savannah enjoying her first rain
The girls
Savannah watching her first rain from the window :)
Savannah starting to poke and grab for toys...first victim...Sophie the Giraffe
Savannah discovering sounds and textures through her catepillar
"I got your legs...I got your legs"
Savannah talking to herself in the mirror
Knocked out!
This week she found her hands...she loves intertwining them
discovering her hands
We watched a fashion show at the Spectrum...we had an awesome dinner of Wahoos and got a show out of it too!
we went to Grandpa and Grandmas house for brunch
Socks ready to eat!
All smiles for grandma!
We then had a birthday party for Broc
Happy 2nd Birthday Broc!
Later that evening we had a reunion for our Landscape Architecture department
Our attempt to take photos with little girls
Socks soooo pretty :)
Ladybug parents
Our little ladybug
There were 4 finalists for Best Costume and Savannah was one of them!
WOOO HOOOO! we won!!!
One proud Mama!
We got a Starbucks card!
Daddy saying GOOD JOB!
So proud of our little one!
Class of 2007
Knocked out from all the parties
Our last party of the week..Laguna Surf and Sand Resort
Savannah meeting Audrey (8 months old)
The beautiful setting
Savannah seeing the ocean for the first time
They have the same brow expressions
Not a happy camper!
She loves her Daddy!
Our first family picture by the beach
Can't wait to meet you Noah!
She did great! Slepth through the whole meal!
An attempt to take pictures of the next generation
We went with Lola to get some bloodwork done
She LOVED pushing the stroller
We took her out to lunch at Bubba Gump in Downtown Long Beach...she kept calling it the Queen Mary
She loves her crabs!
3 generations :)
Lola and her caldero
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