
Monday, February 27, 2012

Savannah's 33 weeks

Savannah had her first asparagus!

can i feed myself guys?

Has an interesting smell!

But its sooo good!

She also had her first apricots

She loves putting her foot into things!

This is so good guys!

You should really try it!

But i'm so tired at the same time!

But I'm still a happy eater!

We attended a 1st birthday party and while Daddy was singing Savannah covered her ears!

Hey guys...there's something over there I think we should check out....all the kids are doing it!

Thanks Dad for taking me in!

Hi Grandma Julia!

Avery, the birthday girl!

Savannah got in line too!

How do I do this Daddy?

LOVE her smile in this video! She's so proud of herself!

Wait, I'm not done Dad!

I really thought I had it in that last hit Dad!

Come on! Let me try one more time!

Hanging out at AJ's house with the cousins

Auntie Jaime brought out all these toys that were a blast!

Grandma Christina even helped me ride the zebra!

This is how Socks feels when we leave her all day!

"Oh, now you want to take pictures of me Mom?"

Alright, just one cute picture!

Savannah had a blast at the party that she was all pooped out herself!

We have officially joined the Mac world. Here is Savannah testing out our new Ipad

And Socks not wanting to take a picture with the Ipad

To end the week off we finally got to celebrate my birthday with the fam bam!


I'm ready to party!

Woo hoo!

Savannah has also started eating snacks! This is a rice cracker...banana flavor!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Savannah's 32 weeks

All dressed up for her first Valentine's dinner

all ready for daddy to come home

"Hi, Daddy! Do you like my outfit?!?"

waiting for 45 mintues at Taiko

Our date fell asleep on us!

All dressed up for Super Lolo's funeral

Such a perfect little baby at church!

so many people!

Releasing 84 doves

"Hey! why are you in my daddy's arms???"

we took up more than half of the restaurant

kate and socks

savannah and auntie michelle

we also bought a new car! it was a sad moment to let go of our benz

switching over all our stuff :(

Though the Benz was only with us for 2 years...we had so many milestone memories in it.
One, it being our first car together as a married couple
It also took us to many vegas trips and vacations

it was Socks favorite ride...she loved sitting in the front and stick her head out the window

it was the first car i got into a car accident kept me safe too!

its the car that safely got us around town while I was pregnant with Savannah

It was also the car that we drove Savannah home in from the hospital

it's the first car that Savannah has 'driven'

But we're moving onto bigger and better things! The seats 8!!!

Savannah not too happy about leaving the benz

But she was estatic and approved of the Pilot once she got in the driver's seat

"Alright guys...I guess this will do!"

Saying by to our first family car!