
Monday, August 29, 2011

Savannah's 7 Weeks

She LOVES bath time!

Savannah met Lola Deling this week

And Lolo Oscar too!

This is a text photo message I got from Neal while I was at my 6 week check up...the message said "Here is our beautiful daughter" had me cracking up for a good 5 minutes!

This week was also her well-check up...and everything looks great!

We also visited my work and everyone was fascinated at the amount of hair she has :)

Exhausted after so many appointments and shots :(

Savannah and Daddy walking..

Good morning smile :)

Starting to grab for objects!

I went to lunch with Jen and Tina and we are starting a craft club. Once a month we're going to meet and have a night of crafting!!! Our first craft next month is "Card Making"...can't wait to see what we create!

I LOVE that she is starting to coo and smile back!

Milk drunk and soooo relaxed!

Smiling up at Daddy :)

She's getting so big!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

6 Week Check-Up

Yesterday, I got my 6 week check-up and more infections! And double yay for weighing 18 pounds less than I did before getting pregnant!!!

Today, was Savannah's 6 week check-up!

Getting ready to see the doctor!

She weighs 11.5 lbs and is in the 79%-ile
Her height is 23" and is in the 96%-ile
(Can you believe the Doctor said she is Tall??? She OBVIOUSLY didn't get that from me!!!)
Head Circumference is 15.25" and is in the 92%-ile

Unfortunately she also had to get shots today :(
I seriously went into a sweat when I saw the nurse 'stab' her in her thighs and she broke out into a cry!!!
But Daddy made her feel alllllllllll better!
Poor thighs!

My next appointment isn't until January 2012 and her next one is on her 4 month birthday!
Glad we are all healthy and growing strong!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Savannah's 6 Weeks

Savannah and her morning stretches
We try to go on walks everyday...

On Tuesday is especially fun cause we get to go to the Farmer's Market!

On Wednesday the rest of our family from up north came to visit. Here's Savannah meeting Auntie Michelle

Savannah meeting her cousin, Ate Kate...Thanks Ate Kate and Kuya Christopher for the beautiful dress

We enjoyed a nice dinner at Hokkaido

Savannah fell asleep right when we pulled into the parking lot...

Our attempt at a family our one eye shot!

Lola and her 5 kids :)

Kate and I making silly faces

Kuya Neal and Kate having a blast

Happy 30th Birthday!

Happy and full!

Cemania Family

Thanks Lola Baby and Lolo Nanding for these wonderful dresses!

Savannah, Kuya Christopher and Ate Kate posing with the dress they gave her

Exhausted from the photo shoot!

Savannah and I hung out at Papa and Mama's house while the kids played in the pool...we enjoyed a nice lunch :)

We celebrated Daddy's birthday at Downtown Disney

And on Saturday celebrated with Family & Friends

Savannah having a staring contest with the camera...

The Camera won!

UPDATES: Savannah and I have been much more comfortable going out on our own. We go on morning walks everyday and LOVE getting fresh air. We got to see a lot of family this week from up north and so glad we got to spend time with them.

This week was also a milestone in that I left the house with Savannah and Socks and drove by ourselves to go to Mama and Papa's house. That was fun packing for! For the first time I forgot something and learned my lesson! I forgot the nipple to her bottle and had to make a mad rush to Target and buy one! I've learned that I should leave one at all grandparents houses and pack a hidden emergency one in the diaper bag!

It was also another major milestone when we went to Grandpa and Grandma's house while Neal golfed for his birthday and I got to pack half of the house, the baby and Socks! I thought it would never end but we successfully made it without leaving anything. I also breastfed for the first time not being home. It was also our first family sleepover! She did amazing and only woke up once at night and didn't even cry!

Going out in public has been fun...but we have run into people abruptly coming up and touching her hair. Her hair attracts a lot of people and somehow these people randomly come up and want to stroke her hair. I even had a lady swoop in while I was changing her in the bathroom! I don't mind people asking but I get annoyed with strangers that go straight for's a hard subject but hopefully I either learn to deal with it or figure a way out to say something in a nice way!

And last but not least we experienced our first breastfeeding session in the car before going out to dinner. It may sound silly but I've been so nervous about this happening..and it wasn't so bad after all! I was terrified of it cause we have a system into our breastfeeding sessions that's hard enough to do at home...let alone out in public! At home we...

Start out with strapping on the Breastfriend and deciding which position we'd like to be in and which breast to feed from.

Then I lay down a burp cloth so that I don't have to wash the cover every time milk gets on the Breastfriend...

And then because I have large breast I have to put a rolled recieving blanket under to prop it up...

THEN I have to put one of these suckers on...a nipple shield so she could successfully latch on

THEN I have to put on a bib on her so she doesn't get any milk on herself and block her ear so milk doesn't drip in.

And after all that set-up, I have to have a happy baby that wants and 'feels' like eating from me!
So, you see breastfeeding hasn't been the 'easiest'...but because it's the best for her we do it!
And if that wasn't complicated enough...after 10-15 mins of breastfeeding...we stop...I unravel my "Breastfeeding Fort" and hope that she burps AND THEN set-up again so she could eat from the other boob...and sometimes only to figure out that she's had it with eating from me and is frustrated with the nipple shield and wants to eat from a bottle.

So, it may sound silly that I was very excited that we had a successful breastfeeding session in the car but as you can see from our system it isn't that easy to feed her without all my equipment! But I'm so glad to know it's possible and that I don't always have to rely on bottle-feeding!

This week we both have our 6-week check up...hopefully all goes well!