
Friday, March 25, 2011

23 Weeks

Gender: Wiggly Girl!

Movement: She's moving more than ever. I purposely drink milk at night so that she's more active...The other night I thought I felt her from the outside and right before we went to sleep Neal put his hand on my stomach and she wiggled and he felt it!

Sleep: Horrible at the beginning of the weak. Neal's snoring has come back with vengeance! We even took turns waking up early in the morning to sleep on the couch! I had a lot on my mind with the crib and closet so I think I was sleeping so has gotten better at the end of the week...maybe cause we accomplished some things for Savannah...

What I miss: Raw Sushi!

Cravings: no real new interests this week...still loving hot and spicy stuff!

Symptoms: Throbbing neck pain! It wasn't a kink but there was like a massive hump that was just sore...

Current Mood:  Excited to see her little face on Saturday...hoping she sticks her tongue out at us!

Random Updates:
So we set up the crib earlier this week and we are slowly still rearranging furniture around the house. We bought her first 2 outfits at Carter's. They were on sale for $2!!! It was a warm fuzzy feeling hanging up her two pieces of clothing in her closet next to some of our clothes (that we have to clear out soon!)...I can't believe this tiny little person is on her way!

Socks has been amazing! She's been eating A LOT! She has always been a timid eater (unless it's chicken or beef) but lately she's been chowing down. Not sure if she just enjoys the new food or she just needs more fuel. But she's still sexy!

On Saturday we've invited our parents and sisters to come see Savannah in 3D and 4D. Here's her invite!
Hopefully she is active as always during her ultrasounds! Can't wait to see her!


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